Ethical Hacking

CEH The Ultimate Ethical Hacking Certification by TEXCEED Technologies
12 Enrolled
10 week

Course Overview

Ethical Hacking Course Overview: Texceed offers ethical hacking course in Pune and also having different branches in Pune and Mumbai. Information Security is becoming critical day by day. If you are looking for ethical hacking
course in Pune or willing to learn Online then Texceed IT Training institute provides the in depth training. With advent of more intelligent technologies are tools, number and types of threats are increasing at unprecedented pace. The disruptive technologies like cloud, Internet of Things (IoT) are creating more doorways for hackers and challenges are mounting for defenders. Be with the latest technology and inquire for ethical hacking course in Pune. Following figure shows top 10 attacks used by malicious hackers in last 3 years. So you can imagine the seriousness of information security challenge.

Some of the key trends in the information security space are: You would have read about Ransomware Attacks. In such an attack, a program with malicious intentions encrypts someone’s data or files. Last year, ransomware attacks grew many fold and there is no sign of them receding this year. On the contrary, it is spreading to Linux , Android and MacOS. Cloud computing businesses are Prime Targets for data breaches and would continue to be attacked. Applications developed are more like mobile-first and deployed on cloud. DevOps methodology which promises quicker deployments need to consider security at the level of development and design turning it into DevSecOps. With growth of Internet Of Things(IoT), smart devices would increase. Every smart device is a potential doorway for the hacker. Hacking of Election is a new trend in hacking of Social Networks. This can culminate into more dangerous threats in future.


  • Instructor Led online & offline Training
  • Latest tools and technologies


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Rajesh Vartak

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